LNG refueling station

LNG filling station are tanks as the main cryogenic liquid pumps,and fluid machine combination module,according to GB50156-2012 “car design and construction of refueling stations”one

LNG filling station are tanks as the main cryogenic liquid pumps,and fluid machine combination module,according to GB50156-2012 “car design and construction of refueling stations”one,two,three standard station development and design,process reasonable,layout specifications,concise,and too maximize the skid of the factory pre-assembled,a small amount of on-site engineering for large-scale increase in gas demand.

Category: .
Skid station stage

Basic configuration

Aerated ability*104
Storage quantity Lower pump quantity Quantity of gas dispenser
Standard stage 3 1*60m³ 1 2 1.5-2
2 2 2-3
Standard stage 3 2*60m³ 2 2 2-3
2 4 3-4
Standard stage 3 3*60m³ 3 4 4-5
4-8 6-8 6-8